By Zohair Ahmad
On the Iran Human Rights Monitor there are many cases of human rights abuse listed, lists of female prisoners, juveniles, and political prisoners who are under enormous pressure of the Iranian regime’s policy of suppression and abuse.  The worst cases are the ones when the prisoner was a child when the crime was committed and he was sentenced to death. As soon as he is an adult he will be executed.

In the Iranian juridical system, a girl as young as 9 is judged as adults, this means that she can be sentenced to death at the age of 9. She can also be forced into marriage under the mullah’s regime laws. Boys are being sentenced as adults at the tender age of 12, both still children in our eyes.  Another issue by the Iranian regime’s justice system is the public executions, they are only there for the very reason to oppress and scare people from protesting against the murderous mullahs regime.  Even children are forced to watch this cruel event. And in Iran building cranes are not used for constructions but to hang people. The reason for this is disgusting, when hoisted up in a crane you suffocate to death, the victim suffers terribly for several minutes before death. This is medieval torture and has no place in a civilized society.
When the medieval regime of the mullahs are toppled one of the points on NCRI’s ten point plan for Iran is to abolish the death penalty. Being politically active in Iran can get you into prison or get you executed. It is not allowed to disagree with the dictator mullahs. Several prisoners of conscience have been denied medical attention as a part of the daily torture they have to endure.  This will also change when the regime is gone, all political parties will be allowed and all religions will be equal. Not as today, during Ramadan youth of different faith’s was flogged for not upholding the fast.

The US resolution 188 and the Canadian Bill S-219 is small steps in the right direction when it comes to addressing the regime’s human rights violations. And the acknowledgment of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners by the mullahs is a great victory for Iranian human rights activists. The current Iranian regime must be prosecuted for all the crimes they have committed against Human Rights, not only the violations they are committing in Iran but also the crimes in Syria and Iraq.
On Monday, 26 June 2017, 265 members of European Parliament, including 4 vice-presidents and 23 chairs of various commissions and delegations issued a Statement that condemns human rights violations in Iran, they also call for formation of a commission of inquiry to investigate the massacre of political prisoners in Iran and bring the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity to the International Court of Justice.
The statement also calls for the blacklisting the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.
As humans of the world, it is our duty to get together and demand that the Iranian regime put a stop to the horrific human rights abuses they are committing, and we must demand that the culprits ( mullahs regime) of the 1988 Massacre is put on trial and prosecuted.  


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