
Iran Regime Admits Ordering Houthi Attack on Saudi Oil Tanker

Published on  08 August 2018 . By Staff Writer A commander in the Iranian Regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has admitted that the recent attack of two Saudi oil tankers in Bab al-Mandeb Strait by the Yemeni Houthis was carried out on the request of the IRGC. IRGC Commander Nasser Shabani told Iran’s state-run Fars news agency: “We asked the Yemenis to attack the two Saudi oil tankers, so they did it.” During the interview, Shabani also said that the Houti militias in Yemen and the Hezbollah militias in Lebanon “represented Iran’s depth in the region”. This appears to be a blatant admission by Iran of their support for the Houthi militias, which is well-known despite the Regime’s frequent denials. Given how much the Iranian Regime wants to keep this support a secret, it shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that the Fars News Agency deleted the article just minutes after publishing it. However, a screen grab of the article is available  here . The attack On Ju

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International Security Conference Finds Iran Regime Is a Danger to the Middle East

NCRI Staff NCRI - The Iranian Regime is still a major sponsor of regional terrorist militias and has planted proxy forces in several key areas in order to spread chaos, sectarianism and extremism, according to participants at an annual international security conference in Bahrain. Bahrain’s Foreign Minister, Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmad Al Khalifa,  told attendees at the Manama Dialogue 2017 that the Iranian Regime had a “network of surrogates” ready to commit acts of violence and destruction across the Middle East, West Africa, and Latin America. He said: “We see this in Yemen clearly, we see it in Syria as well. And we continue to experience Iranian sabotage and terror in our own country. When we look at Iran, we see a stark difference between Iran as a country with a proud people and a rich culture and history and the Islamic Republic as a regime, that impedes the progress of Iran and prioritises regional expansion to the welfare of their own people.” Shaikh Khalid explained th

GOP Lawmakers Push for Sanctions on Iran Regime Over Yemen

NCRI Staff NCRI - Two senior Republican lawmakers are pushing for sanctions on the Iranian Regime based on their destabilizing actions in Yemen as the House of Representatives prepares to vote this week on legislation designed to crack down on Iran’s financing of terrorism and terrorist groups. Representatives Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida) and Ted Poe (Texas) - both senior members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee- introduced a bill to sanction the Iranian Regime for its support for the Houthi terrorist group in Yemen. The Iranian Regime’s involvement in the Yemeni Civil War has included supplying the Houthis with advanced weapons systems- via the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) - that they have used to attack Saudi Arabia and other US interests. In a statement released on Monday, Poe  said : “The Iranians need to be held accountable for the mess and war they are perpetuating in Yemen. This bill will send a clear message to Tehran to stop their activities or pay

Opinion: No war needed for Iran regime change

The objective of Ruhollah Khomeini, founder of the religious dictatorship under the pretext of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in establishing the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) on May 5th, 1979, was to form a military force completely loyal to the mullahs’ Velayat-e faqih system. This entity, set to be equipped with modern and heavy weaponry, would be tasked to protect the ruling institution. This is exactly why the IRGC is this regime’s Achilles Heel and weak point. If comprehensive and immediate sanctions truly disarm the regime of this lever and expel the IRGC from the Middle East, the pillar protecting Iran’s religious dictatorship in the face of popular uprisings and international crises will crumble. As the Ayatollahs began to establish their rule, the IRGC was tasked to oppress and eliminate dissidents, pursue Tehran’s warmongering and export terrorism. The IRGC has played a very active role in the execution of over 120,000 political prisoners during the past four decades.

Iran on the path of North Korea

Iran can enrich uranium within five days if the U.S. imposes more sanctions on Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran's atomic agency head, warned this week. He claimed that Iran could achieve 20% enriched uranium in five days – a level at which it could then quickly be processed further into weapons-grade nuclear material. Last week, Iranian  president Hassan Rouhani  announced that Iran could abandon its nuclear agreement with world powers " within hours " if the United States imposes any more new sanctions. "If America wants to go back to the experience of imposing sanctions, Iran would certainly return in a short time – not a week or a month, but within hours - to conditions more advanced than before the start of negotiations," Rouhani told a session of parliament broadcast live on state television. In response,  U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley  said Iran should not be allowed "to use the nuclear deal to hold the world hostage. The Obama administr